Friday, July 13, 2012

All over the place.

I seriously feel all over the place right now! I am super homesick, and missing my family so so much. I am hoping we get to go visit them soon into the New Year; all of my vacation time has been used already because of our awesome wedding!

I had my first “exam” at the lady doctor today and that was weird. Last weekend we went and visited my sister and brother in law at their apartment in Westland, MI. It was a blast! We ate grapes, crackers, and Brie, and then had really awesome ice-cream on Friday. Saturday consisted of puppies, mall shopping, sushi, and a fun water park!  Then Sunday we visited their church with them, got suh-weeet Chinese food, and watched the new Sherlock Holmes movie, and then headed home. Hello good times!

Hubbs got a keyboard last night so now he can practice at home! It is really nice and he knew the person that sold it to him so it was not expensive at all! He really feels like God is telling him to play, that is his talent and he needs to use it not hide it.
I am so happy!
He has a gift with music and sounds so beautiful on piano.

I am looking forward to the nights that I can walk through our house and hear him play and sing. I feel Gods presence so much greater when listening to Aaron play and sing instead of just listening to a CD or Pandora. He recently learned Lisa Gungors song Wrap Me In Your Arms.
Here is the link if you haven’t heard it.

Seriously. Amazing.

I have been feeling so brought down by the world and all of its downfalls. The devil has really been pushing against me. Were in a war, and Gods people need to be strong and stand for whats right, and I feel like a lot of people have not been standing and have been conforming (including me in many instances). We’re not to conform to this world or the worldly views of the people in it. I am living for one thing, Jesus. We can’t live halfway in the world and think everything is fine. We need to give everything to God and glorify Him at all times. There is so much more that I could be doing for Him. I fall short so often, but I know His unending Love and Grace are there to pick me up every time and bring me back into His awesome presence.

Speaking of His awesome presence, our Sign Team is on fire! Right now I am looking for a song for the Adult Sign Team that I can incorporate the Children’s Sign team into. Maybe Kirk Franklin’s He Reign’s song? The children could do the “Our God is an awesome God, he reigns from Heaven above” verse and the adults could do the other verses. I really want to get the children involved in it; some of them have showed a big interest. I really feel like God has big plans for this ministry!

Well I think this post is long enough, my goodness!

Hil-dawg and I have an “us” night planned including pizza, movies, and I am sure lots of chocolate.

Have a good weekend!!

<3 Brittany.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Softball at 3 a.m.

I hope everyone had a great Independence Day here in the USA! I am thankful for our free country and for all of the men and women who are fighting and who have previously fought to keep it that way! My dad was a marine, love you dad! :)

We spent the day with Aaron’s family, swimming and eating grilled hot dogs. Yum! After this we went to a minor league baseball game (Tincaps represent!) that had fireworks after the game. I just love the fireworks! I feel that fireworks needs to be a much larger word because, well, fireworks are just awesome.

Something else awesome was at the game. It was a dog bat boy.

He also took the umpires water bottles in a basket. It was almost better than the upcoming fireworks.

Last weekend the hubbs had an all night softball tournament. Yep. The plan was to play softball. All. Night. Long.

This is an event that happens every summer during church softball season. The games start at about 9:00 Friday night and continue until mid morning Saturday. They are usually a lot of fun, but seriously when four in the morning hits those bleachers get awfully uncomfortable. Due to the freak storms that went through Indiana the power was knocked out at the ballpark. Actually like 40,000 people were without power in Fort Wayne from Friday to Wednesday because of it. Anyways, the park manager pushed the games that were supposed to start at nine back to begin at midnight when they could get generators to power up the fields. The park got the lights on early so games began at 11:00 p.m. After a few games the weather started to go down hill again, and the radar turned red. The players kept playing until we watched a police officer come tell the park owner everyone had to at least go get in there cars because another storm was coming, and fast. We all felt it! Sadly, shortly after this occurred we got a phone call saying the rest of the tournament was cancelled. :(

We had fun while it lasted!!

This weekend Aaron and I are driving up to MI to see me sister and her hubby! I am pumped to see her and not just because there is an IKEA five minutes from her house. I will be sad to miss my wonderful church, but we will be visiting Bridgett’s with them on Sunday!

Lots of pictures soon to come :)

<3 Brittany.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18