Monday, June 25, 2012

My Carrot Is Getting Really Thin


I figured I should update you on the past couple of days! I had my friend Hil-Dawg over to help me make “Skinny buffalo chicken lettuce wraps” which I think are disgusting (see end of post to hear about what my sister did to me to cause this) but she and the hubbs loved it. Hil-Dawg asked if she could help with anything so I gave her a whole carrot and a veggie peeler and said she could peel the carrot for me so I could chop it. Simple enough, right? I need to learn not to assume things. I turned around to do something else and we were chatting away when she says “This carrot is getting really thin!” I turn back around to see this.

She had never peeled a carrot before! So she just kept peeling and peeling and peeling. After almost dying from laughing so much I told her what peeling a carrot meant and that I shouldn’t have assumed she knew! 
That made my night. :)    

Saturday was my father-in-law’s 50th birthday party at their house. Look at his giant cake!

We had a lot of fun visiting (and eating) with family. Hubb’s brother and soon to be sister in law came from Illinois for it so he was extra excited.

Here is my father-in-law being "Over the Hill"

Also, I purchased my first sewing machine! I am SO stoked! I started my first project, a tote bag. I love the material!

I successfully am doing terrible with it though, and have made quite a few errors. I took sewing in high school but that was a while ago. Oh well, no better way to get better than to jump right in and go, right? Its still a work in progress.

Last but not least, the story of why I get nauseous even smelling hot sauce. Let me tell you about my twin sister Bridgett...

When I was about 12 or so we were home alone, just doing our own thing. She comes to me carrying a large spoon of something and says “Here I made this, try it.” Every time before that she had given me a spoonful of something it had been brownie batter or something else that I would have voluntarily put in my mouth. So naturally I open up and she shoves it in my mouth. At first I think “Wow, this tastes terrible.” Then came the horrible horrible burn. She had given me a tablespoon of Tabasco sauce. Why? I have no idea. That, my friend, is why I am scarred for life. Well played, Bridgett, well played.

<3 Brittany.    

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sixty Calorie Banana Muffins Actually Taste Good?

Hi All!
(not hi yall)

Saturday I tried a modified recipe for healthy banana muffins.  

Let’s be real here.


I thought they were going to taste terrible.

While making it they didn’t look very appetizing, but I had already mashed the banana so there was no turning back! When they came out of the over the smelled quite good, and after eating one I must admit it was rather tasty! By no means was indulging in a giant double chocolate with chocolate chips muffin (YES PLEASE), but for a guilt free breakfast (at around 60 calories per muffin) they were actually really good!  

This is how I made them.

1 cup instant oatmeal (I used the BetterOats maple and brown sugar)
3/4 cup flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1 cup mashed bananas
1/2 cup applesauce
2 egg whites
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Here we go!

First preheat your oven to 350 degrees, and then grease your muffin pan. 

Then combine flour, oatmeal, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt into a bowl. Mix this well.

In another bowl, use a mixer to beat the banana, egg whites, and vanilla.
Thank the Lord for my Emersion Blender!

 Then stir in the apple sauce.
After this stir all of the ingredients together.

Mix it, mix it, mix it

Once mixed, pour mixture into muffin tins (about 3/4 of the way full), and bake em 15-20 minutes.

 You can tell when muffins are done by inserting a toothpick into the center of a muffin and it comes out clean.

This makes 12 muffins. Hubbs loved them, and said “They even look healthy.” I wasn’t really sure if that was a good thing or not… Good is what I am going with. J I am pretty sure I will be making these again!

<3 Brittany.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Two Months Say Whaaaat!?


So yesterday was my hubbs and my TWO MONTH anniversary.
Wow! It really has flown by.

I honestly expected that after the wedding things were going to settle down for us and we wouldn’t be so busy. It was all great in my head: lots of awesome fancy dinners that I made for him when he got home from work, long Saturdays sleeping in, spending time together just doing nothing.


Man was I really wrong.
Now that were married we have people to see, places to go to, and people to shoot.

JK guys they are just targets, calm down. :)

Don’t get me wrong we do spend some time together and it is great when we do, but were both working and in school and have very active lives.
ANYWAYS, back to the point of this post.
Yesterday was two months of being married. We both had long days at work and a long night at our classes. I get out of class and hubbs meets me at my car with a “Happy two months” and a kiss to help me inside. I thought “Oh my goodness, that is sweet he missed me while I was in class!”

Then we get up to our apartment and he has me close my eyes before I go in. He leads me to our room and has comfy clothes laid out for me to change out of my work clothes, then has me come in the living room where he has Psych (the best TV Show ever) ready to play and sparkling blueberry juice. On my way to the couch I see a display he has set up for me, two vases with one red rose in each (for two months of being married), a Victoria Secret gift card, a Starbucks gift card, and four gourmet chocolate/ truffle bars.

(sorry for the not so awesome picture, my phone is not a camera as you can see)

I died and went to two month anniversary heaven.

He is the sweetest thing and God has beyond blessed me with him!
I am so thankful for everything I have in my life, and I really couldn’t ask for more!

Welp, that’s what’s happenin’ with me.
Tonight I am obviously spending my gift cards and hope to make a healthy version of banana muffins. Tomorrow I am checking out a Farmers Market (I have yet to find a good farmers market in this big city) and going to make some kind of a strawberry angel food cake dessert. We will see how they turn out!

Happy weekend!

<3 Brittany.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

“Whats this all about?”


I just updated my “Whats this all about?” tab with a little info on me.
Check me out.
I am one cool cat.
No joke. :)

<3 Brittany.

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Blog Thing

Hello, my name is Brittany, and I have decided to blog.

"Why?" you ask? Well, I just want to. I am not really sure what this blog is going to be all about. Even if I did know, it would probably change about thirty times. My life can be very random at times.

Let’s say I am doing this to hopefully inspire people (whether it’s through God or DIY projects), to spread Gods light, to keep my across the country family up to date with pictures, to be expressive and creative, to have accountability, to have fun, and well frankly to keep track everything going on in my own life! I know people are always busy busy busy, and I most certainly fall under that category. I think it would be nice to be able to have a place to look back through everything that I have experienced, created, and learned. I will give a full introduction on my happy life soon. Now let’s see how this thing turns out!  
 (My wonderful husband Aaron and I)

<3 Brittany