Monday, June 25, 2012

My Carrot Is Getting Really Thin


I figured I should update you on the past couple of days! I had my friend Hil-Dawg over to help me make “Skinny buffalo chicken lettuce wraps” which I think are disgusting (see end of post to hear about what my sister did to me to cause this) but she and the hubbs loved it. Hil-Dawg asked if she could help with anything so I gave her a whole carrot and a veggie peeler and said she could peel the carrot for me so I could chop it. Simple enough, right? I need to learn not to assume things. I turned around to do something else and we were chatting away when she says “This carrot is getting really thin!” I turn back around to see this.

She had never peeled a carrot before! So she just kept peeling and peeling and peeling. After almost dying from laughing so much I told her what peeling a carrot meant and that I shouldn’t have assumed she knew! 
That made my night. :)    

Saturday was my father-in-law’s 50th birthday party at their house. Look at his giant cake!

We had a lot of fun visiting (and eating) with family. Hubb’s brother and soon to be sister in law came from Illinois for it so he was extra excited.

Here is my father-in-law being "Over the Hill"

Also, I purchased my first sewing machine! I am SO stoked! I started my first project, a tote bag. I love the material!

I successfully am doing terrible with it though, and have made quite a few errors. I took sewing in high school but that was a while ago. Oh well, no better way to get better than to jump right in and go, right? Its still a work in progress.

Last but not least, the story of why I get nauseous even smelling hot sauce. Let me tell you about my twin sister Bridgett...

When I was about 12 or so we were home alone, just doing our own thing. She comes to me carrying a large spoon of something and says “Here I made this, try it.” Every time before that she had given me a spoonful of something it had been brownie batter or something else that I would have voluntarily put in my mouth. So naturally I open up and she shoves it in my mouth. At first I think “Wow, this tastes terrible.” Then came the horrible horrible burn. She had given me a tablespoon of Tabasco sauce. Why? I have no idea. That, my friend, is why I am scarred for life. Well played, Bridgett, well played.

<3 Brittany.    


  1. Wow kudos to you for getting a sewing machine! That is so impressive! I would love to be able to sew and yet I am the worst! I just don't have the patience so I really admire those people who do. Just found your blog and have loved looking around and getting to know you better. You're adorable and I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

    1. Thanks!! Wow my first comment and my first follower in one, that is SO exciting!! You and your blog are both so cute, I am now one of your followers too!

      Thanks so much!!

