Friday, June 15, 2012

Two Months Say Whaaaat!?


So yesterday was my hubbs and my TWO MONTH anniversary.
Wow! It really has flown by.

I honestly expected that after the wedding things were going to settle down for us and we wouldn’t be so busy. It was all great in my head: lots of awesome fancy dinners that I made for him when he got home from work, long Saturdays sleeping in, spending time together just doing nothing.


Man was I really wrong.
Now that were married we have people to see, places to go to, and people to shoot.

JK guys they are just targets, calm down. :)

Don’t get me wrong we do spend some time together and it is great when we do, but were both working and in school and have very active lives.
ANYWAYS, back to the point of this post.
Yesterday was two months of being married. We both had long days at work and a long night at our classes. I get out of class and hubbs meets me at my car with a “Happy two months” and a kiss to help me inside. I thought “Oh my goodness, that is sweet he missed me while I was in class!”

Then we get up to our apartment and he has me close my eyes before I go in. He leads me to our room and has comfy clothes laid out for me to change out of my work clothes, then has me come in the living room where he has Psych (the best TV Show ever) ready to play and sparkling blueberry juice. On my way to the couch I see a display he has set up for me, two vases with one red rose in each (for two months of being married), a Victoria Secret gift card, a Starbucks gift card, and four gourmet chocolate/ truffle bars.

(sorry for the not so awesome picture, my phone is not a camera as you can see)

I died and went to two month anniversary heaven.

He is the sweetest thing and God has beyond blessed me with him!
I am so thankful for everything I have in my life, and I really couldn’t ask for more!

Welp, that’s what’s happenin’ with me.
Tonight I am obviously spending my gift cards and hope to make a healthy version of banana muffins. Tomorrow I am checking out a Farmers Market (I have yet to find a good farmers market in this big city) and going to make some kind of a strawberry angel food cake dessert. We will see how they turn out!

Happy weekend!

<3 Brittany.

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